Sacred Smoke

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Today I wanted to offer a simple clearing practice.

 Sacred smoke.

 The practice of ritually burning herbs is as old as humanity. Worldwide, there are different practices and different herbs used by various cultures from ancient times through modern day. While we don’t have the space to explore the full scope of that history here today, it’s imperative to acknowledge that burning herbs consists of so much more than appropriating the Native American culture’s use of white sage for smudging. I’d like to encourage you to explore your ancestral practices to discover the plants that are sacred to your culture, your lineage and to develop a relationship to those plants for your own personal sacred smoke practice.

 The smoke created by burning herbs clears stagnant negative energy from a space and a person and purifies the air from microbes, reducing contaminants and the spread of disease. On a spiritual level, this smoke can be sent as an offering to ancestors or higher source, and it can be used to invoke spirits and energies that have passed beyond the physical realm.

 When preparing to burn your herbs, take care to gather them respectfully, offer thanks to the plants and the Earth. Set your intention and speak it to the plants and your higher source. As you burn the herbs, offer the smoke first to your ancestors and higher source in gratitude and then proceed with your ritual.

 Allow the smoke to fill your space but be sure to open a window so the energies, microbes, and smoke have a clear exit point. For safety, use common sense: make sure there isn’t anything flammable above, below, or near your burning herbs, don’t burn herbs around animals, children, or people sensitive to smoke, and don’t burn herbs that have been grown or processed with pesticides or other contaminants.

I resonate deeply with sacred smoke rituals and I perform different variations for different purposes. I love the way each element is present during the transformation from plant to ember to smoke.

Do you practice sacred smoke rituals in your life? I’d love to hear about your practices!


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