Rose Monograph
Rose: the time-honored, beautiful, pristine, revered protector of hearts and gardens, of love and boundaries. To honor the rose is to honor divinity itself.
The hundreds of species in the Rosa genus are found within the Rosaceae family. The Wild Rose (Rosa spp.) of North America is a bushy perennial that grows in dense thickets in prairies, ravines, and roadsides. Displaying 5 petals and numerous stamens, bright pink Wild Rose flowers waft their delicate trademark scent through the air. Oddly pinnately-compound leaves consisting of 3-5 leaflets grow alternately up the stem alongside protective thorns. If the Rose flower is pollinated, it grows into a Rosehip, a bittersweet orange-red fruit.
As early as the 1st century CE Pliny the Elder documented numerous medicinal uses for Rose and humans around the globe have been using this plant ally ever since for medicine, food, and adornment. Energetically Rose is cool, dry, and uplifting. It has an affinity for the cardiovascular, nervous, and female generative systems. It is associated with Venus.
Rose is a calming nervine whose anxiolytic, anti-depressant, and anti-inflammatory qualities indicate it in times of grief, heartache, stress, anxiety, and depression. It gently calms the soul, nourishes the nervous system, and soothes frayed emotional edges.
Rose is highly astringent, antioxidant, and antimicrobial. It works wonders for loose boggy tissue states such as wounds, oral infections, heavy menstruation, and diarrhea.
Rosehips are a classic source of vitamin C, staving off disease and strengthening the immune system.
Let’s not overlook the thorns! As a flower essence or even a quiet meditation partner Rose thorns teach the listener the sacredness of boundaries, honor, and respect. They invite the inquisitive to be slow, intentional, loving, firm. They allow access to the spaces where deep healing and transformation can occur.
Rose medicine is safe in moderation for pregnancy and lactation and can serve as a steadfast companion during the tumult of postpartum. During times of immense grief like miscarriage and loss, Rose is unwavering in its support.
Rose is one of my most beloved allies. I spritz rose water on my face and aura daily while repeating mantras of self-love. I add it to my herbal tea blends when my Mama nerves are ravaged and exhausted. I add it to my glycerite formulas when I need to boost my physical, emotional or spiritual resilience. For me, Rose is the gift that keeps on giving.